Home / Canvas Student


Canvas Student: 

    • To log in to Canvas, students will use their Vista email username and password. If the student is using a Vista issued Chromebook, then they will automatically be logged in to Canvas once the red button is clicked.
    • If a student is using a personal computer, then do the following to access Canvas:
      • Open a chrome window in incognito mode or make sure all google accounts are logged out before moving on to the next step.
      • Visit our website at www.vistautah.com and in the Students tab click on CANVAS Student and then the red CANVAS Student Login button.
      • The student will then enter their email address and password.
      • If your child can’t remember their email credentials, below is an example:
      • Username: If your child’s name was Derek Stevens and he graduates in 2035, then his username would be the last 2 digits of the graduating year, full name, along with @vistautah.com.  (ex. 35derekstevens@vistautah.com)
      • Password:  If Derek’s birthday was January 3, 2014, then his password would mmddyyyy. (ex. 01032014)