Home / Employees / Canvas Resources / Getting to Know Canvas



The video includes the a quick overview of the following:
1. Accessing Course(s)
2. Uploading the syllabus/file
3. Creating Module
4. Creating Assignment

Getting Started with Canvas

Section 1

1. Canvas Overview

2. Dashboard Overview

3.Custom Course Tile Image

4.Custom Course Navigation Menu

5. Creating Assignment Groups

6. Creating an Assignment

7. Weighted Grades

8. Gradebook Overview

Section 2

Canvas Resources

Canvas Resources

Canvas Guides

  1. Importing the K-9 Canvas Templates through your account, instead of clicking on the links below. (CLICK HERE)
  2. Copying past course content into your new courses (CLICK HERE)
  3. Creating Assignment Groups in Canvas (CLICK HERE)
  4. Setting Weighted Grades in Canvas (CLICK HERE)