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Why should I do it?

  • Provides parents with direct & accurate info on child’s school behaviors
  • Helps to keep issues, situations, and circumstances clarified
  • Builds rapport, trust, and open dialogue between school and home
  • Helps establish and maintain behavioral limits that are consistent between school and home
  • Some kids respond very well to calls home
  • Gives parents power to enforce and follow through with limits and consequences
  • Avoids situations where kids can use misinformation to pit teachers against parents and manipulate the situation to avoid taking responsibility for their actions
  • Encourages some students behavior positively
  • Can take a small behavioral or academic gain and create more significant momentum
  • Can create parent “buy in” or establish of improve rapport with parents
  • Boosts student self esteem and self confidence 

When should I do it?

  • As a consequence
    • When a student breaks a rule or whose actions are disruptive enough to require a formal consequence
    • When a child is exhibiting a chronic habitual behavior problem
    • When you need more support in addressing a behavior
    • When the behavior appears to be stemming from something in the home
    • When you suspect a child’s behaviors are due to environmental circumstance, like a family death, illness, etc.
    • When the student does not seem to respond to your authority
    • When there does not appear to be home consequences for poor behavior in school
  • As a reward
    • When a student has been well behaved
    • When a student has done well on an academic task’
    • When a student has been helpful
    • When a student meets a daily, weekly, monthly goal, either academic or behavioral
    • When a student needs to be encouraged to do something
    • When a student is a significant behavioral or academic problem and does ANYTHING remotely positive or productive 

How do I do it?

  • Use a calm neutral tone with parents to avoid arguments, blame games, and power struggles
  • Describe the behavior clearly and with detail
  • Explain what you have already tried to address the behavior
  • Do not dwell on blaming the parent for the child’s behaviors, rather — focus on solutions
  • Ask the parent for their input and ideas to get them involved
  • Always say something positive about the child or something he/she did well
  • Have the child’s grades, behavior records, and the specific data ready in front of you when you call