Home / MTSS / MTSS-T1 / Teach Conflict Resolution Skills



Why should I do it?

  • Many students lack basic skills necessary for solving and resolving daily conflicts with other students, adults, authority figures, etc
  • Enables and empowers students to be more independent and highly functioning
  • Reduces teacher’s time “putting out fires”
  • Increases instructional time
  • Promotes maturity
  • Improves self confidence
  • Reduces tattling, bickering, and disruptions

When should I do it?

  • Conflict resolution skills are good to teach all kids in your classes at the beginning of the year and then again once a month to keep the strategies fresh in kids minds
  • When students bicker, argue, and fight a lot
  • When you lose time due to student conflicts and disagreements
  • When a student is being suspended a lot due to fighting and conflicts with students and adults
  • When students have trouble compromising, taking turns, sharing, etc

How do I do it?

  • There are many skills and strategies for teaching kids conflict resolution, many of which can be found and explored below under support & resources
  • These lessons and ideas for teaching the skills, found below, can be done with individual students, a small group, or the whole class
  • Conflict resolution skills should be taught and revisited on a regular basis and should include role playing to practice the skills
  • When students fail to use the taught skills, have them reflect on how they could have handled the situation or conflict and role play it with them
  • Model proper conflict resolution skills for your kids with any opportunity you get, and point out to the students afterward how you used the skills