Scott worked at Vista October 2010 part-time and was hired full-time March 2011 as Custodial Supervisor. Before Vista he went to school and trained as an Electronic Technician. After working in that field for a few years, he went on to work in Home building supplies, truss building, under ground utilities, tire wholesale / delivery, and theater maintenance. Throughout those years he was able to take classes in Relations, Psychology , Public Speaking, Writing and continued to brush up on everything learned in early years.
Fields of interest and hobbies are writing, reading, public speaking, sports of most any kind. All of theses experiences and training are why he is able to enjoy his job at Vista. All tasks, small or big, are important and take the same amount of importance, urgency, and team work. All people, tall or small, young or old, deserve the same amount of importance and urgency. Scott truly enjoys coming to work and the atmosphere at Vista because of whom he has the privilege of doing it with and for.
"The world can not appreciate you for who you are until you be you."