Counseling Center

Frequently Asked Questions

The Counseling Center is here to support students with social,  emotional, behavioral, and life skills. The Center is also a support for Academics, Attendance, Student Achievement, College Preparation, and Curriculum. We also serve as the Class Registration Office.

Please feel free to e-mail your question or concern – You can also fill out our Concerns for Counselors form on Contact Us.

Because we are often with students, it is always encouraged to set up an appointment.

Students can schedule an appointment by clicking on the app “Meet with a Counselor” in their Clever account.

Parents can schedule an appointment by emailing

Schedule change requests will be considered the first week of each quarter. All requests must be submitted through the Request a Schedule Change form found on the counseling center webpage.

You can find course descriptions and videos under the Registration tab.

The Counseling Center staff spends months working to get each student as many of their top choices as possible. There are always a few class conflicts and we do have to make sure that students fill all of their State required classes. These two factors do dictate the building of a schedule